A Good Year ?

So far, coming out of the pandemic has proven challenging for everyone. And, obviously, we’re not out yet. But, my friends, I’ve accomplished a couple things during Covid that I am proud to share. They may sound overly simple, but they brought me a LOT of joy along the way.

I completed two waterfall lists!

Kevin Adams 100 North Carolina Waterfalls Challenge (check out my name on this page!) – I completed this list on 20 July 2020!

Carolina Mountain Club 100 Waterfall Challenge (you won’t find my name there as I am not a member) – I completed this list on 05 August 2021!

I hiked solo to the overwhelming majority of these waterfalls. But, I would love to share them with you if ever interested. Please email me and let me know. I can provide beta (info, directions, descriptions, etc.) about any of the falls/hikes. At the moment, I can’t go with you. But, I will be able to in the future and we can enjoy these together!

Just check out the images on the waterfalls page and ask about it/them.

So, I am now working toward the Kevin Adams 250 NC Waterfalls Challenge (the above link will explain it too). This will take me longer as some of these hikes are very difficult. But, I’m excited to see how far I can go.

Weekly Hiking

I have consistently been hiking one day a week for months. The beauty of this is that I get to see four seasons of our beautiful mountains. During these hikes I am visiting waterfalls (in most cases). Most of the ensuing photos are found on my waterfalls page. Check them out!

Raven Rock Falls
Raven Rock Falls

But, the hiking is one of the ways I am just moving more. It isn’t exercise, it’s just enjoying the outdoors. And, there are thousands of hikes and short trips to make before anyone could ever say “..I visited them all” ..

Of course, if you want to mix it up, you could plan a hike to a county highpoint instead of a waterfall. Or, do some street or mountain biking! Ever thought about kayaking? There are many other ideas you can find via Google, so get busy and find your passions. Should you want to join me, let me know!


Most hikes in WNC are a time for a simple communing with nature. There aren’t significant challenges unless you look for them. Recently, I found some! Upon hiking to Dismal Falls the descent into the gorge was the steepest I have encountered to date. Ropes had been set up by previous hikers, and I brought some rope in anticipation of needing them, and I did. Hiking in November means there are a lot of leaves on the ground making it slippery. And if you go hiking after a recent rain, it is yet more slippery. But combining wet ground AND leaves and the combination makes a seriously steep climb into a gorge harder.

Dismal Falls
Dismal Falls
Upper portion of Dismal Falls
Upper portion of Dismal Falls

At the top of the gorge I set up my rope and knotted it every four feet (or so). Then I started down. Of course I slipped a time or two but overall it wasn’t too bad. I also was not happily anticipating my return trip, but I kept going. About two thirds the way down I looked up and was incredibly surprised to find a photographer making his way up. We chatted for a few minutes and he was very happy to have a second rope available to him. We also discussed being there at the wrong time of day for the best photographs.

Since I have my photos to show I made it there and back this hike is obviously very do-able. But I have to say that I am a planner. If I didn’t have my rope I could have made it anyway but the chance of an accident would have increased a lot. Just be careful out there. And be wary if you choose to utilize ropes that others have set up.

More Photography

I have had a blast this summer getting outdoors, hiking, and taking photographs. I’ve taken some good shots, and some that capture the moment but don’t show it in the best light (pun intended). You can see many of the waterfall shots on its page (click HERE to go there).

I plan on continuing this each weekend throughout autumn and into winter. I hope that my timing proves good and that I get some exceptional shots.

For the few of you who actually read this, thank you. Here is one of my more recent photos.

Schoolhouse Falls
Schoolhouse Falls